Tuesday, November 12, 2013

This post is dedicated to Sgt. Reckless, the USMC Korean warhorse

This post is dedicated to Sgt. Reckless, Korean warhorse that aided Marines, who isimmortalized in bronze at Triangle, Va., near the grounds of the National Museum of the Marine Corps.

In March 1953, during the Battle of Outpost Vegas, the Mongolian mare made 51 roundtrips in a single day, hauling 9,000 pounds of ammunition to the front lines without a handler on her own. She earned her stripes that day and cemented her bond with the Marines around her."Quite a horse, quite a horse," said Korean War veteran Mike Mason. "It's kind of unbelievable, you know. You picture a horse, but she was truly a Marine."  


Friday, November 1, 2013

Odds And Ends

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The first picture in this collection's name the horse's antimony:

This one shows what a horse's foot can look like with various ailments.

 Next we have a diagram of a horse's growth plate, and the time it takes for them to fuse into solid bone.

This one gives direction for tying your own rope halter, also called a cowboy halter.


The next two shows how a curb bit works.

A rider should keep this in mind when yanking on a horse's mouth when it is wearing a curb bit.

I may add to this as other important or interesting pictures come into my awarness.